日 時: 平成18年7月24日(月)午後6時15分から 講 師: Mr. Philippe Riesen(Horgan& Hartson) 会 場: 弁理士会館地下 第7・8合同会議室
電話:03-3581-1211テーマ: On June 26, 2006, the Supreme Couet granted certiorari in KSR International Co. v. Teleflex. Inc., No. 04-1350, to address whether the Federal Circuit's current "teaching-suggestion-motivation" test for obviousness is consistent with the Court's precedent and Section 103 of the Patent Act. This may be one of most significant patent cases in recent years because, perhaps even more so than novelty and utility, obviousness helps regulate patentability.
Moderator:Dr. Shoichi Okuyama
Coordinator:Mr. Teiji Miyagawa