日 時平成15年1月30日(木) 午後6時15分から 講 師Mr. David Lubitz (HOGAN & HARTSON) 会 場弁理士会館3階第1,2会議室(弁理士会 TEL:3581-1211)
千代田区霞ヶ関3-4-2(特許庁の北側、霞ヶ関ビルに面した方) テーマ
- "Mastering U.S. Patent Litigation Strategies and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure"
- There will be a short review of the previous lectures.
- Each stage of a U.S. litigation will be discussed in detail.
- Each Federal Rule of Civil Procedure will be discussed in detail.
- Actual litigations will be discussed.
- Sample litigation documents will be reviewed and discussed.
- Offense and defense starategies will be discussed in detail.
- The lecture will be translated into Japanese.
Coordinator:Mr. Satoru Niimura